A guide for first time parents | A Beginner’s Guideline

Michael J.

A Guide for First Time Parents

If you are a new parent, welcome to my blog. Many new parents have no idea how to take care of their baby. Do not worry. In this case, only some rules are to be followed. 

As a result, your baby will be healthy. Again, there are some precautions you must take. Responsible fathers can make a routine for caring for their babies. 

The baby’s sleep and feeding should be regular. However, today’s blog contains essential information and advice for caring for your newborn. Let’s start the main discussion about a guide for first-time parents.

What is good advice for first-time parents?

First-time parenting is a beautiful one. Therefore, any type of error cannot be kept in the care of your baby. There are some suggestions for your responsibilities after becoming a first-time parent:

First-time parenting is beautiful. So there can be no defect in your baby’s care. Here are some suggestions about your responsibilities after becoming a first-time parent:

What is good advice for first time parents
What is good advice for first time parents?

1. For your baby

A mother knows her child best. So, the mother has to be persistent in feeding, sleeping, and calming down.

2. Every child is different

Every child has a different experience. Some babies sleep through the night at three months, while others take longer. Therefore, you need to know how long your baby sleeps.

3. Learn baby cues

Babies express their feelings through crying. A mother must understand the mood. Her baby’s cries signal an understanding of their needs.

4. Take care of yourself

After giving birth, the mother is physically weak. So, it is imperative that the mother is healthy. 

During this time, the mother should sleep properly and eat healthy food. Along with taking care of the baby, the mother has to take care of herself.

5. Maintain physical intimacy

Maintain physical intimacy with your baby. Be careful of the child. Physical connection helps to understand the baby’s needs.

6. Remember

These early days are fleeting. So, enjoy the first smiles and precious moments as your baby grows up.

What Not to Do With Newborns?

A guide for first time parents. The care of the newborn is a pleasant experience for parents. However, some precautions have to be taken for this. 

Because the health and safety of the newborn depends on the care of the parents. Again, it is important to avoid some things.

What Not Do With The Stranger?

1. Shaking

The brain of a newborn baby does not fully develop. So, he cannot be shaken. As a result of shaking, the baby’s brain can cause bleeding. A child may die and go. So refrain from doing this kind of work.

2. Extra cold or hot

Usually, the newborn’s body has the ability to control temperature. Therefore, he should not be kept in a cold or hot environment.

3. Insecure sleep environment

It is often seen that the parents put their head in their baby’s stomach or chest. Sleep with the newborn on the abdomen or with his hands or hands. As a result, it can cause the baby’s breathing.

4. Extra shout

Usually, the hearing of the newborn is sharp. So they should not be extra shouting from the khaki.

5. Extra Kisses

Excessive kisses should not be made on the face of the newborn. It is in your mouth that the germs can spread to the baby’s body.

6. Strong food

Children’s digestive power is absolutely low. So, the newborn should not be fed strict food. Breast milk is best for a newborn.

7. Medication

The newborn should not be given any drugs without a doctor’s advice.

Please consult your paediatrician for more information.

The first weeks of parenting

A guide for first time parents & the first week of parenting:

1. Care of the baby


Newborns sleep a lot. In this case, their sleep routine is not regular. They have to sleep according to their needs. They cannot be disturbed when they sleep day and night.

What not to do with newborns
What not to do with newborns?


Newborns should be fed every 2-3 hours. Breast milk is the most beneficial for the baby. However, if the mother does not get breast milk, there is an alternative to breastfeeding with bottles.


Newborns cannot withstand excessively cold or hot. So newborns do not need to bathe every day. Should be bathed 2-3 times a week.

2. Some important issues

Try to understand the cause of the newborn’s shoulder.

Never leave the stranger alone.

Do not push or shake the stranger.

Hold the stranger properly.

Create a safe environment for the newborn.


Keep in contact with the paediatrician regularly.

Acquire knowledge of child protection.

Can join the parenting class.

What are the four basic needs of a newborn baby?

The four basic needs of a newborn baby are:

1. food

The newborn should be breastfed because the mother’s breast milk contains all the nutrients required by the baby. 

As a result, the child’s immunity increases. Baby’s growth and intellectual development is fast. The baby should be breastfed for the first few hours after birth.

2. sleep

Normally, newborn babies sleep up to 16-18 hours per day.

They have no fixed schedule of sleep. But gradually becomes normal.

3. cleanliness

Cleanliness is the key to good health. So, create a clean environment for your baby. Change diapers regularly. Children should be bathed daily.

4. safety

Newborn babies are kept safe. Because newborns’ bodies are very soft, they should take care not to get sick later. 

Their sleeping environment must be safe. They should be taken to the doctor regularly and vaccinated.

Last Few Words

Being a first-time parent is as exciting as it is challenging. New parents worry a lot about taking care of a new baby. It will not be difficult to take care of the new baby by following the above-discussed points. 

A guide for first time parents discuss how to take care of your new baby. Consult your doctor regularly to know about your baby’s health. 

By the way, you also take care of yourself. So that you can take care of your baby easily. Finally, remember that you are not alone. 

There are billions of parents in the world who have faced and overcome the same challenges as you. so you can, too. Good luck to you and your baby! Thank you.

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